Uncommon Treatises

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This is not for you.

"Queerness breeds a sense of community-as-the-objective that straightness treats as community-as-the-resource and I think that's an interesting anthropological quality." - PatchArcana

Yes, I pasted the famous opening sentence from "House of Leaves" at the top of this blog. Was I being slightly cheeky? Naturally. However, the sentiment rings true regardless. This site truly isn't for you.

Nevertheless, you are welcome here. This site, like me, is the result of constant shifts and evolutions physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. Some evolutions were minor and added up over time, and some shifts were the result of more impactful individual events.

One of the more impactful events to happen was the closure of cohost, the social media platform. I had, incidentally, only just joined cohost the week before the imminent shutdown was announced, and immediately I felt a pang of regret for what would be lost. As I watched others who had been there much longer than me lament the loss of the platform even more passionately, I also saw people coming up with ideas, if not solutions. Many of those ideas expressed a desire to return to the web as it was before the rise of major social platforms and metrics-driven engagement. To return to something more pure, more personal, more connected.

And thus, the final spark was struck that would ignite my endeavor to not only refresh and renew my stale web presence, but to do it differently this time. To make it truly and utterly personal.

These things are all true, and they should not be dissected and kept apart from one another: I am a writer. I am an artist. I am a musician. I am a streamer. I enjoy Warhammer. I work in infosec. I love to cook. I love the woods. I am a genderfluid trans person.

This is for me.