Uncommon Treatises

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The Khulszarimm Inquiry

The Khulszarimm Inquiry is an investigation into what makes us up. How did we get here? Why are we this way? Where are we going? When will we next evolve? Who are we going to meet? I post my broader, more questing art under this label.

The Presumptuous Commoner

Also known as "PresComm", this was my original title for all of my infosec-adjacent work online, before I assumed PresComm as a more general, wide-use handle in games, chat communities, etc.

Inquisitor Khatharrina

Previously known as "Brother Kazhaael", Inquisitor Khatharrina is the name under which I create all of my Warhammer content (miniature painting, dioramas, stories, etc.)