Uncommon Treatises
@tanya natalynn
Oh wow! This website is finally live! What started as a nascent notion in late September of 2024 cooled off during the depression of the next six months, but is now warm and alive and thriving!
Anyway, I am just making this post, in truth, to test out the posting and feed function of my site–but also to let anyone know that is visiting that the site is still under active development. There are two major phases remaining until I consider this site to have reached full 1.0 status:
1. Content migration - I am still migrating content from all of my old blogs, social media presences, etc. This will take several weeks if not a couple of months, so bear with me.
2. Website polish - While I am endeavoring to make smart decisions while creating this website, I am also trying to make parts of it live as soon as they are finished. Naturally, this means some lessons will be learned and some afterthoughts will need to be pondered, so I will very likely need to make some broad changes to the underlying mechanisms of both the site itself and the hosting server once the content migration has been completed.
I will keep everyone updated on progress here, though I won't post as frequently to start because I'll be busy fleshing out the site.
Keep your eyes open for updates to this page... including an RSS feed feature that I am hoping to add during the upcoming weekend.
Bye for now!
#webdev #bringbacktheoldnet
posted on 6/3/2025 at 12:10UTC