Uncommon Treatises
Alpha Legion
Led by a pair of diabolical sorcerers empowered by the will of Tzeentch, Captain Suhrcasil and his squad of Alpha Legion astartes meet in secret on the hidden swamp world of Gharnthal to learn what fearsome plot the great god of change has designed for them to carry out against the Imperium of Man.
Designation: Gharnthal
Status: Uninhabited, Undisturbed
Location: [[Data Corrupt]]
A world thus far unclaimed by any known civilization, Gharnthal's surface comprises a variety of rocky, mountainous regions interspersed with wetlands, marshes, and several large, arid flatlands. Natural resources include several mineral veins contained within the mountainous regions.
All planetary data gathered thus far has been obtained via atmospheric auguries. Multiple attempts by agents of the Imperium to set foot on the planet to begin initial colonization efforts have mysteriously failed.
The loose, yellow erosion of the hillside spilled downward as the armored warrior neared his destination. The pieces that didn't succumb to the gentle gravity of the slope clung to his teal, heavy boots.
"Karphius here," he droned, a slow, measured tone speaking into the vox channel of his squadmates, "I'm just about to reach the peak."
Before he continued, he paused to check the actions and other mechanisms of his weaponry, a bolt pistol and a chainsword, both adorned with the newly-created alliance's purple embellishments. Of all his brothers, Karphius had been the most hesitant about the bold alliance proposed by his captain. Then again, his legion had always been on the dealing end of deceit, and he knew this produced a ubiquitous quality of distrust across every member of the Alpha Legion.
Once he confirmed everything was in order, he resumed his driven march up the crumbling, rocky hill.
Within minutes, he had reached the top, the incline of the rock face being replaced by a clear blue sky and green, natural vistas on all sides. Toward the bottom of the rock's opposite decline, a slow, contemplative river flowed between banks of thinning, muddy grass.
"Karphius again. I've reached the top. Performing reconnaissance tasks now."
The space marine reached into his hip-holstered pouch and removed a handheld auspex, verifying the data being fed into his helmet's sensors. He waited, partially to ensure he was not prematurely declaring the area as cleared, but also to take in the inspiring view for as long as he could afford.
When he could at last wait no longer, he spoke once more into the vox network, "All clear. Bring up the rest of the squad, and tell the Raptors I've found them a nice little perch on the neighboring peak."
Ommarruk ran the tips of his gauntlet along his spiked left pauldron, feeling each tip slide harmlessly under his powerful hand. "Okay, let's just out with–something about this meeting feels wrong, doesn't it?"
While Stezcran remained silent and unconvinced by the bait, Azodorus cut in with a growling reply. "Why don't you ever skip to the part you actually want to say, damn it." The cool breeze of the grassy clearing swept over his bare head while he stared impatiently at his fellow soldier.
"And why do you always have to carry on with such a rotten attitude?" Ommarruk looked straight ahead, refusing to lock eyes with Azodorus.
"I don't always have a rotten attitude, just when I'm talking with you."
Stezcran held up a hand, holding his bolt pistol to is chest with the other. "That's enough. Azodorus is right, though. What are you pressing towards, Ommarruk?" The veteran astartes was used to playing intermediary between his two hot-headed brothers.
Ommarruk looked to either side, as if to re-assure himself nobody was nearby that could be listening to him. "Sorcery. I smell sorcery."
Azodorus waited a moment before grunting and nodding in agreement. "As do I."
After letting some time pass before uttering his contribution to the conversation, Stezcran said flatly and simply, "Yes."
The curved, extended features of Randagh's helm brushed through the tree branches above him, moving the greener limbs aside and totally snapping the dead wood. He slowed his pace, watching as his assigned patrol partner, Criothus, gained distance ahead of him. He turned around, grinning inside his helmet, and activated the power rune on his axe. With a quick and powerful spinning leap, he cleaved clean through the dying tree, dancing on his feet as it came crashing down onto the sparse grass.
Stopping his march forward, Criothus groaned and turned around to reprimand Randagh. Before he could speak, however, the vox unit in the collar of his armor crackled and spoke.
"This is Karphius. I'm tracking the Raptor units incoming. Everyone keep your eyes open and proceed at the current pace towards the meeting place." The vox unit went silent for a moment before resuming, "And Criothus, please keep your ill-behaved brother in line."
Randagh laughed, and Criothus finally spoke up. "It seems Karphius has either heard or seen your little stunt back there, and I'm sure he wasn't the only person to do so. For all we know, enemies are hiding everywhere, waiting to pounce on us at any moment. Don't be the reason they find us."
Criothus spun around and resumed his marching. Behind him, Randagh continued to laugh.
Cautiously trudging along through the loose cliffside bushes and shrubs, Niestamo pointed to both sides of the rock wall above them. "Enemies could be hiding anywhere up there. This path through the gulley makes me uneasy."
Treading just to the left of Niestamo, Virregorr mused aloud to his brother, taking in the various features on his side of the gulley's incline with the augmetic lens installed in his helmet. "True, but first they'd have to overcome our... measures."
Niestamo, the more experienced of the two by a half-century, retorted, a threatening tone subtly laced within his words. "Easily accomplished by a determined foe." He, too, observed his own portion of the gulley, though he did so with far more subtle movements than his younger counterpart. Both warriors kept an even pace, ensuring that no part of the ridge went unsurveilled.
Virregorr nodded emphatically toward his side of the gulley and informed his partner, "The Raptors are coming in quick. Should be here in the next few minutes."
His more experienced brother responded in kind, "Karphius is already in position. The trio bringing up his rear should reach him within sixty seconds."
"So it's all forming up nicely, then."
"Whatever 'it' even is... yes, we're nearly all in position."
Virregorr allowed a furtive pause to transpire to add the desired weight to his next statement. He spoke slowly and with an intentionally anxious edge, "I don't like this, for some reason. I can't exactly say why, but something feels... different here."
Another silence passed between them before Niestamo offered his agreement. "I know, brother, but we shall soon see why."
They continued in vigilant silence until the end of the gulley, taking up position at either of its sides while awaiting their next orders.
Captain Suhrcasil approached the still, tepid water of the murky creek, his cloak flowing silently behind him. He strode forward slow and steady until he reached the edge of the creek, then came to a stop.
Lagging just behind his captain, Lemmarcc stopped short of the creek's edge, pausing instead to crouch down and grab a stone the size of a man's head from the ground. While Captain Suhrcasil observed their meeting point in silence, Lemmarcc tossed the stone up into the air, then caught it again with his enormous power fist.
The captain glanced across the creek, noting the massive stone outcropping that was to be the stage from which those who had summoned them would deliver their message. His interest quickly shifted from the rock to the slow-moving water at his feet, however. Staring into his own reflection, he became lost in thought.
With the slightest clinch of his massive hand, Lemmarcc pulverized the stone into dust, turning his palm downward to let it fall back to the ground from which he had seized it. His voxsponder clicked and crackled with an incoming message from Karphius, and he listened closely while his captain's silence remained unbroken.
The slightest ripple in the water multiplied Captain Suhrcasil's reflection. Compounding the issue, the wind continued to stir the folds of the Mindveil cloak strapped to his back. The chameleonic nature of the cloak caused even the light touching the facsimiled copies of the captain to dance, bend, swirl, and shift wildly before his eyes. It was the nature of the Alpha Legion to be deceptive, to appear to be one thing while in fact being another. His mind was built to solve–and often cause–problems in a lateral manner. In this way, he was doubly prone to doubting his reality: in part due to the function of his legion, and in part due to the illusory nature of the Mindveil.
Lemmarcc glanced upward, flexing his power fist as he relayed the message he had received to his nearby captain. "Raptors descending onto the cliffside now. Everyone else is in position, as well." No reply came from his superior, so he tried again to get his attention. "Captain?" Still, no response came. Familiar with the vortex of thoughts Captain Suhrcasil would often find himself lost within, he approached as gingerly as his massive frame would allow, and placed his giant hand on the captain's shoulder.
Instinctively, Captain Suhrcasil placed his hand on the hilt of his daemonic blade, but swiftly caught himself and stopped. Shaking his head and taking a step backward from the creek, he placed his hand on top of Lemmarrc's and nodded. "Apologies, friend. I am overly anxious to find out why we have been called here, and it has me lost in my own thoughts."
Removing his helmet and holding it against his hip, Lemmarcc smiled. "I am equally as anxious as you are, but we shall learn of the truth as one unit, my captain and friend."
Captain Suhrcasil nodded again, "We won't be waiting long..." he trailed off as he turned his head across the water towards the rocky stage, "for I smell the winds of sorcery drawing close."