Uncommon Treatises

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The Khulszarimm Inquiry

Through the years, under buzzing streetlamps or moonlit rural skies, we have walked, sat, crawled, and sometimes ran. Our scenery has changed, and, either coincidentally or causally, so, too, has our internal landscape. We have seen and heard, tasted and felt, read and listened, loved and hated. We have collected fragments of others and lost fragments of ourselves; we seek constantly to rebuild anew, and, so we hope, to help others as they seek to recover the shattered, splintered fragments of their selves they have lost along the path.

Here, on this page, I have collected links, mirrors, and hosting to my various creative endeavors that fall under the auspices of The Khulszarimm Inquiry. Other works will not be shared here, as they do not fit within the motives driving this particular creative impule. They have their own spaces elsewhere on this website, and they deserve their own unique places in which they can thrive.


Pseudo-poetry and prose are my primary interests in the written word, though I have written a novel that is currently lost to upheavals of Mental Anguish.

Clean Sweep - A short story written via daily tweets: a man visits the house of an old acquaintance to clean her chimney, but more than ash has sullied her supposedly pristine home.

One Man's Junk - Originally written and accepted for a local short story horror collection, a man finds a hat at a yard sale, but has no idea the effect it will have on his life.

Grains - My second attempt at writing a story via daily tweets, this time based on a dark surrealistic poem involving an alien beach full of bones.

A Case of Mirrorspectritis - An extremely loose-form poem I wrote in a single shot one night while sitting on my couch, deep in the void of utter hopelessness.


Much of the music I create is made with the intention of scoring my multimedia work. However, I do also create music for its own sake, and this is where my more experimental work tends to land.

Configurations & Conflagrations (Resources, Vol. 1) - A story-driven ambient soundscape album that still retains its musicality; can be experienced either as individual tracks or an entire work.

Untitled Album 1 - A sample-based concept album.

Untitled Album 2 - Random, fast-paced tracks composed and mixed as quickly as possible.

Untitled Album 3 - A collection of grimdark ambient soundscapes.


Static visual work, be it painting, sculpting, digital art, or combinations thereof were some of my earliest creative endeavors. I find that jumping between different media has a cumulative effect on learning how to work within different disciplines, as well as combining them in exciting and weird ways.

Snack-Sized - A series of small paintings done on breakfast biscuit snack insert papers.

S.E.C.onds - A spiritual successor to the Snack-Sized series, but leaning more into digital manipulation and mixed media.

Untitled - Works created without a specific title in mind.

Still Life With Blood Orange & Burnt Kitchen Grease - My first attempt at oil on canvas.

Strawberry - The only remaining piece from a digital collage series I created about fruit.

Trans(former)cendence - The first piece of art I created in my current art era, and an early attempt at physical/digital collage combinations.

Incompetent Incandescence - Cardboard, acrylic, and trashbashed mixed media.

Initiate - Another early example of physical/digital collage combinations.

The Portal Must Be Secured, Through Light and Other Means - My first functional piece of art meant to be installed in a very specific location. Also my first piece in current times to utilize an electrical component in the form of LEDs.

Varandanhur's Tree - Mixed media and acrylic paint on a particle board panel, with a collage component.

Arfrkhnel River Basin - An early iterative piece utilizing the at-the-time cutting edge AI tool GauGAN by Nvidia, but with additional manipulations afterward.


I am always taking photos throughout my daily life. Most of these are intended to capture moments for later reference, or are stored away to be used for texture/asset creation in the future. A very select few, however, are distinct enough for me to consider them for inclusion in my personal photography category.

Misc. Photography - Much of my work is done in the moment, across the years, and is not intended to be part of any bigger collection or gallery.

Nature Walk, 24 October, 2021 - My first foray back into the woods after a physical injury prevented me from leaving the house for quite some time.


As I gained experience in various specific forms of media, the urge to combine more and more differing disciplines in alternating orders with varying rounds of iteration could not be ignored. My multimedia works may include everything from sculptures I've filmed then edited and inserted that clip inside of a 3D rendered world, to hand-drawn illustrations which are later digitally animated and scored via both physical instrumentation and synthesizers.

Twitch Resources - A collection of video slides/assets used in past Twitch streams.

"Configurations & conflagrations (Resources vol.1)" Teasers - Teaser videos that were created at the completion of each track on this album.

The Commonplace - Teaser videos that were created to track progress on my custom VRChat world, "The Commonplace".

Falls&Walls - An early experiment with combining film, collage, animation, sound, and music. It also marked my return to creative endeavors after a multi-year hiatus due to mental health concerns.

Amalgamate Analogy - An ongoing, episodic series of surreal low-poly animations done in Unity, with a uniting but vague storyline.

A Broadcast Seen Simultaneously On Multiple Televisions Across The Globe - The first part of a thus-far unfinished stop motion project. A film involving multiple cameras, lighting effects, practical effects, props, sculpting, and music.

Eltt-Thayn's Altar - The first animation I created with access to better software. Film, painting, collage, digital graphics, sound, music, and animation.

Friday Evening At Three Towers HQ - While hanging out with dear friends, I found myself drawing various objects, and these drawings were eventually scanned, enhanced with more color, sliced up, and animated into Friday Evening At Three Towers HQ. Sound and music are included as well, of course. Originally inspired by an image of Al-Majdoul Tower in Riyadh.

An Unknowable Threshold What Well-Intentioned Lust Must Cross - Another project involving hand-drawn images which were later digitally enhanced and animated, this time focused more on patterns and rhythms and a strong tie to the musical element. Also includes a salvaged mass-produced canvases that was re-painted.

I've Observed a Few Flaws In Our Environment - The salvaged remains of a projec that attempted to bridge the gap during a mental health hiatus, a collection of sounds, images, photographs, film, etc. that play out in sequence.